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Pastor Kelly Vander Woude

Husband, Father, PReacher,

smoker of food and lover of bacon.

I simply love Jesus and want to help others in their own walk. And so whether it's in serving the church family here at Immanuel, serving our community (around church or our own home), cooking and smoking food, or woodworking my role is to share Jesus and love others.

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Amy Dik

director of youth ministries &

Children's ministries coordinator

I joined the Immanuel family with my husband and (now) four boys in 2005. Serving youth and their families is one of my callings in life. I love hanging out with middle and high schoolers--they are smart and hilarious--and I love to learn with them about God, his Word, and his world. I also enjoy music, photographing nature, painting, and reading and talking about books--creative things that help me notice the beauty around me, and praise God for it.

Carla timm

office Administrator 

Wife, mother, baker

My husband and I started going here in 1991 when we were looking for a church to get married in, and stayed because of the people. The Immanuel family is my (our) family too. I am a wife, a mother, a baker and the office administrator on the side. I love all these roles in my life. I also really like people and am apt to go and talk to that person standing in the back corner looking uncomfortable and try to make them a little less uncomfortable. Feel free to come and visit me in the office.

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